Kudos to IMC for eco-friendly designation

As the multi-year monitoring of the health of Fisherman Bay on Lopez reveals declines in water quality and marine life, it is an inspirational tribute to Islands Marine Center that without waiting for the potential hammer of regulation, it has taken the initiative in becoming a model of restoration and preservation of an important piece of the San Juan’s eco-system and marine habitat. Ron and Jennifer Meng, owners of IMC for 38 years, and each of their employees, should be commended for the training and financial resources targeted towards a plan to protect water quality around its facility, including preparing a pollution prevention plan, focusing on recycled oil-absorbent pads for bilges and spills, placing on their shelves ample “green” options in cleaners, soaps, waxes and copper-free hull paint, on-going self-assessment of their environmental practices and most generously, investing $60,000 in the only pump-out system on Lopez so both live-aboard and transient boaters can easily empty their sewage tanks. All of this and more has awarded IMC, as only one out of 47 in the state and a handful in the San Juans, the coveted “Certified Clean Marina” designation with the Clean Marina Washington Program. IMC has cooperated with the San Juan County Pollution Prevention Specialist and Puget Soundkeepers Alliance to earn this honor. By example, IMC encourages us to be educated, careful, and good stewards with our fragile and miraculous marine habitat.

George Lawson

Friends of the San Juans

Board Member