Legion Post 93 holds membership drive

Voyle B. Martin American Legion Post #93 is a nonprofit organization that supports America’s veterans and also contributes to the community. They are considered a private club by the Washington State Liquor Control Board so they are only allowed two days per year to conduct a membership drive, to invite the public into the post home to learn more about services for veterans and the community.

Voyle B. Martin American Legion Post #93 is a nonprofit organization that supports America’s veterans and also contributes to the  community. They are considered a private club by the Washington State Liquor Control Board so they are only allowed two days per year to conduct a membership drive, to invite the public into the post home to learn more about services for veterans and the community.

This year’s first membership drive is Saturday, Feb. 16, 3 to 10 p.m. at the post,  793 Crescent Beach Drive. There are three units; the post (veterans that have served during a war or military conflict), the auxiliary (mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, and daughters of veterans), and the SAL (Sons of American Legion-sons, grandsons, great-grandsons of veterans).

“We would like to invite all of our Orcas residents to visit our facility, talk to representatives from each unit, and learn about our programs and projects that benefit everyone,” say organizers.

The SAL unit, in addition to their veteran’s projects, has provided more than 420 pairs of shoes to Orcas Island children. The auxiliary has many veterans programs throughout the year, and zero in on the holiday season for many veteran facilities locally, as well as throughout the state. The auxiliary works very hard all year to raise funds to continue their scholarship awards. Many times, throughout the year, families in need are assisted by the auxiliary.

The post holds fundraisers all year around to support their veteran programs, and have a service officer to work on behalf our local veterans. They also work to contribute to the local students’ scholarship funds. The post also is there for local residents in need.

We would like to encourage all of our Orcas residents to visit the post on Saturday, Feb. 16, and join in the effort to take care of our veterans and our local community. If you have any questions you may call 376-4987. We look forward to seeing you.