As the final installment of the Island Classics series featuring chamber musicians from Lopez, San Juan, and Orcas Islands, “The Best of Classical Jazz” will be performed on Sunday, Oct. 25 at 2 p.m. on Orcas Center’s OffCenter Stage.
Islander and professional bass player Marilyn Parman selected the program which will feature the Claude Bolling Suite for flute and piano.
Famously performed and recorded by Jean-Pierre Rampal, the Suite will be performed by Patty Johnson on piano, Linda Slone on flute, Marilyn Parman and Thor Hanson on bass, and Randy Jezierski on drums, as well as improvisational piano work by Lennon Aldort, the Washington State premiere of new work by composer Arni Egilsson, and work by Hawk Arps.
“The Island Classics series was envisioned by Parman to provide Orcas audiences a rare opportunity to enjoy the rich talent of classical musicians who call the San Juan Islands home,” organizer Barbara Courtney said.
Classical Jazz will perform one matinee performance on Sunday, Oct. 25 at 2 pm. Tickets are $16 and $10 for students. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 376-2281 ext 1.