The Orcas Family Health Center has just put into service a new X-ray machine that will transmit X-rays digitally to off -island specialists as fast as sending an e-mail. “Within 30 minutes or less we can have a reading on the X-ray by radiologists affiliated with St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bellingham. This provides a great level of security in knowing a physician trained in reading X-rays will be verifying the results. We can also send the x-rays anywhere in the world,” said Dr. David Shinstrom, the center’s medical director.
The health center has been raising the money for the machine for several years. It cost them $126,000 for the machine and its installation and they still have $60,000 to pay on it according to Ken Speck, OFHC board president.
As part of the plans to purchase the machine, Dixie Morrison became a registered X-ray technician.
Shinstrom says that they intend to make the machine available to qualified practitioners, including Northwest Cardiology. He says they will make the machine available to veterinarians as well. “We have checked with the state health department and there is no reason we cannot provide this service. Many animal lovers are very excited they can avoid a trip off island if their pet is injured,” Shinstrom said.