Calling all Earthlings to the April 22 Eastsound Earth Day parade

On Friday, April 22, earth-loving folk will parade through Eastsound for Orcas Island's 10th annual Earth Day parade.

On Friday, April 22, earth-loving folk will parade through Eastsound for Orcas Island’s 10th annual Earth Day parade.

“Greetings Fellow Earthlings,” said organizing Earthling Gregory Books. “The Earth Loving people of Orcas Island will be expressing their appreciation for our dear planet by having an Earth Day Parade. All people who love our earth are welcome to be in the parade or just enjoy it as it passes through the streets of Eastsound.”

As in previous years, the parade will form up at noon in front of school and proceed through town shortly thereafter.

This year April 22 falls within the public schools’ spring break.

“In the past few years, whole classes of students with their teachers have been active in the parade, dressed up and singing,” said Books. “But due to the public schools’ not being in session, this year will be less structured and organized, rather like it was when the Environmental Club at the high school first started the parade back in 2002.”

“Regardless of the school schedule, the parade will go on! So dress up, bring your drums and your voices. Build a horse drawn float made of recycled materials. Tell your friends and neighbors. Our dear earth is taking quite a beating these days, so let’s all think about how important taking care of the earth is, and not only come join the parade, but also work toward lessening each of our footprints.”