It is with great sadness and affection that I acknowledge the passing of Dr. Stan Williams. Stan was an important part of Orcas Island for decades. His compassionate, knowledable, and dedicated medical care made a profound difference in countless lives.
He touched my life deeply. Upon my arrival in 2005, we became colleagues and friends. We would meet regularly for dinner and called it the “Orcas Medical Society” meeting. When we were short handed at Orcas Medical Center, he graciously agreed to help see patients for over two years. Patients loved Stan. They found him gentle, thoughtful, and always willing to spend a little extra time with them. He gladly made home visits, particularly to those who were terminally ill. He seemed honored to share in the lives of those he served.
I was honored to know you Stan. I’ll miss you.
Tony Giefer
Orcas Island