Need some help with your Sweet Millions, your Purple Cherokees, all of your tomato crop this year?
Come learn from a local expert at the 2016 Annual Gardening Workshop, Secrets of Gardening, presented by the San Juan County Master Gardeners at Friday Harbor Middle School on Saturday, Oct. 1, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Debby Hatch, Lopez Island home gardener, tomato grower extraordinaire, and author of the popular gardening blog Lopez Island Kitchen Gardens, delivers Tomato Magic: Tomatoes from Seed to Harvest.
Hatch will describe it all: how she selects tomato varieties, how she germinates seeds, how she raises sturdy seedlings, transplants them, trains growing plants and finally harvests wonderful tomatoes.
There will be time for participants to share their own experiences with each of these stages of tomato growing, and to ask the tomato questions you have been waiting to ask all summer.
Everyone will leave Hatch’s workshop with more ideas on how to grow this favorite summer treat!
Tickets are $40 in advance and $45 at the door, and are available online at For more information about the workshop and workshop presenters visit the Master Gardener Foundation website at or call 360-378-4414.