“The Vigilante,” produced, directed and performed by 17-year-old Enzo Thixton, took place last Thursday at the SeaView Theatre.
This wildly zealous senior project was a dream turned reality when he was given the opportunity to direct his “dream-team” of nearly 30 people. This was a huge undertaking for the first time director and was a great success. After nine months of planning, and four months of rehearsal, the pay off was amazing.
Thixton enlisted the help of many dancers, aerialists, acrobats, singers and a fabulous crew. It was a very diverse and technically advanced show full of his favorite things: singing, pop music, dance, aerial silks and even sharing a more intimate side of himself with his father Lek Thixton for a couple acoustic duets.
“The Vigilante” was divided into four sections, each with a unique theme and feeling. Thixton choose music he loved to listen to and perform; songs that meant something to him, and would appeal to an excited crowd. The concert was met with great support and applause by the community.
Thixton plans to pursue performing after he graduates high school in June.
This was way more than a senior project to Thixton, as anyone who attended could see the work and passion involved.
Donna Laslo and everyone at the theatre were very supportive and instrumental in making the show happen.
Some of the wonderful people who stepped up and really committed to, or enhanced the show were: Pamela Wright; KT Berdan; Jeffery Horton; Matthew Laslo; Claire Orser; Mary Clure; Lek Thixton; Lisa West; Hailey Averna; Anneke Fleming; Anneke Ivans; Aristotle Luna; Haley Moss; Jessica Tokarchuk; Lily Ater; Madi Jane West; Stephie Mac; Tori Sturk; Adia Dolan; Matia Schwartz; Anwyn Thompson; Millie Kau, Levi Moss; Jean Henigson; Grace McCune; Jake Perrine; Gene Nery; Maria Bullock; Michael Murray; and Wade West.
This is just the beginning for Enzo as he embarks on his life as a performer.