Renowned chef Christina Orchid is opening up her kitchen at Red Rabbit Farm for a series of holiday cooking courses.
The classes are sponsored by the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce and benefit the Orcas Island Shakespeare Festival.
“Christina is providing an amazing venue,” said chamber board member and organizer Kim Morgan. “We are very grateful she is willing to support such an important island event.”
All classes are from 3 to 6:30 p.m. and wine and beverages are included.
Friday, Nov. 13
Stocks, Sauces and Soups
The group will learn the basics of stock making. Stocks are the backbone of sauces and soups. Participants will investigate the connections of all the great sauces, make three “mother” sauces and learn the tricks, shortcuts and simple secrets professionals use in the kitchen that provide the luscious depth of flavor to sauces and soups. Everyone will have tastes of everything and will take home a quart of stock to play with in their own kitchen.
Friday, Nov. 20
Turkey and pies
This class is a holiday primer. They will make pumpkin pie from fresh garden pumpkin and learn the secret of really great pie crust. You will learn why, how and when to stuff the turkey, and how to cook the meal so everything is ready and hot at the same time. Turkey/pan/giblet gravy, the foolproof methodology will be revealed and everyone will take home a fresh Orcas-grown pumpkin to bake with and, of course, we will be sampling roast turkey with all the fixins’.
Friday, Dec. 4
Holiday gifts from the kitchen
Learn to make basic chocolate truffles, the best cookies for keeping and we will make a time honored all American Candy. You will also learn the correct and safe way to thermally process and preserve foods for the kitchen. We will also have some fun with packaging our goodies and everyone will go home with inspiration and some food gifts from the kitchen.