Dear Fellow San Juan County voters:
My name is Jamie Grifo, and I am an attorney practicing law throughout San Juan County. I moved to San Juan Island with my young family after graduating from law school in 2011.
I write to invite you to join me in voting for Steve Brandli to serve as our next district court judge. When I first met Steve we were opposing one another on a case. I remember finding Steve to be smart and talented as opposing counsel, which (at the time) felt threatening to me and my client.
But, over the years, I’ve come to know Steve as a person; and, not just as an effective advocate for his clients. Now that I know Steve, I find him to be one of the most intellectual, most compassionate, and most circumspect people that I know.
If you have ever had the good fortune of really getting to know Steve as a person (and not just as an advocate), then you would know that he has all of the most important qualities of a judge: he knows what it is like to raise children in our community, he knows when someone needs a second chance, and he understands the impact and the influence that a district court judge’s decisions can have on the lives of those who will appear before him, and on our community.
In short, Steve has the experience, the graciousness, and the patience that it takes to be a fair and responsible arbiter of justice for our community, and I hope that you will join me in voting for him on Election Day.
James (Jamie) P. Grifo
Friday Harbor