Many thanks to the Orcas Island Educational Foundation for supporting the Orcas Island Public Middle and High schools this year by funding three back-to-school events and the annual junior class college visit to the University of Washington and Seattle University.
At the beginning of the year, the middle school held its annual ice cream social when all students (approximately 120) and their families were invited to receive their class schedules, meet the teachers, see old friends, tour the school and get answers to their questions. The day before school began all students new to the high school were invited to the new-student luncheon.
The goals were for students to become familiar with the school, hear about activities and sports opportunities, meet other students and in general make the first days of school easier.
Later in September, all middle school students plus their teachers and support team spent a day doing team-building and leadership activities at Camp Orkila led by Camp Orkila staff. Camp Orkila generously provided their staff and parking free of charge, and OIEF subsidized the lunch.
Finally, in March the junior class plus a few adults went to Seattle and toured both UW and SU so students could not only see the schools but also compare a very large, public school with a small, liberal arts school. Included in the trip was practice using the public transit system between colleges and eating at a college food court.
All four events provided positive student interaction and learning. Thank you so much OIEF for all of your support!
Nancy Wrightsman
Middle and High School Counselor
Kyle Freeman
Middle and High School Principal
Julie Pinardi
Middle and High School Student and Family Advocate