Submitted by the Orcas Senior Center.
What does it mean to be an elder on this island? What does it mean to age well on Orcas?
For the membership of the Orcas Senior Center, aging well means being involved with an amazing community that has stories to tell and energy to give, who experience life with enthusiasm often thought only the property of the young.
Aging well on Orcas means being open to new challenges, fresh opportunities, and discovery.
It means paying attention to one’s health while acknowledging the inevitable; to keeping the mind sharp even as the body fails. Aging well on Orcas means finding like-minded souls who value a philosophical discussion, a shared love of writing, a desire to discuss the latest book. It means caring for each other, checking in with each other, and offering an extra pair of hands when necessary.
If you’ve ever considered joining the Orcas Senior Center, now is the time. Already a member? Please renew! Membership at Orcas Senior Center keeps it going. Members are the center’s lifeline. Valiant volunteers rise to every occasion and an intrepid staff keeps the wheels turning, but it’s the center’s membership that’s the engine, the force behind Orcas Senior Center.
Join today for as little as $30 per year and share your stories and enthusiasm with a group of folks who are living and aging well on Orcas! Join or renew at