Fall programming at the Funhouse Commons

It’s back to school time and the Funhouse Commons is offering activities for all ages.


It’s back to school time and the Funhouse Commons is offering activities for all ages.

Children under six with an adult can come during the daytime for playgroup or Music Together classes. After school children can participate in knitting club, kids yoga classes, sewing club, homework club and bike repair classes.

For teens this fall the Funhouse is launching a junior staff program as an opportunity for teens to gain real life job experience and to log volunteer hours. Teens are also invited to join the Funhouse Commons student advisory board to guide youth activity planning.

The 12th annual college counseling program for high school students and their parents is scheduled for the first week of October and will include college counselors, financial advisors, presentations and individual college counseling sessions for families.

Orcas Park and Rec will be offering Pokemon Club and Mad Scientist and Art with Lana at the Funhouse. Visit ww.orcasparkandrec.org or call 376-PARK for details.

In addition to the after school program, teen programs and education offerings, Funhouse Commons has a thriving mentor program where you can become a mentor for an island youth, apply for a mentor for your child or be matched with a skills mentor for yourself. For more information about the Funhouse Commons, go to www.funhousecommons.org.

Schedule of classes

Playgroup: Ages birth to 5, Tuesdays, starting Sept. 22, 11:00-1:00 p.m. Free.

Music Together: Ages birth to 5, Mondays, 11 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Demo class Sept. 14. Regular classes start Sept. 28. Register by Sept. 16th. Class space is limited. To register and for more information go to www.missmarysisland.com.

After School Program: First grade and up, Monday through Friday 3 to 5:30 p.m., noon on half days and 2 p.m. on Wednesdays. Grab a snack, have fun with friends, participate in activities and more. Free with membership.

Knitting: Third grade and up, Tuesdays, Sept. 22 to Nov. 10. 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Free to members, $60 for non-members. Pre-registration is required.

Kids Yoga: First grade and up, Thursdays, Sept. 24- Nov. 12. 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free to members; $60 for non-members. Yoga mat donations are welcome.

Bike Repair and Safety: Third grade and up, Fridays, Sept. 25 to Nov. 13, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Free to members; $10 drop in fee applies for non-members (entitles student to be at the Funhouse from 3 to 5:30 p.m.) Kid bikes, parts, helmet and tool donations appreciated.

Sewing Club: First grade and older.  Mondays, starting Sept. 21, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Free with membership.

Homework Club: First grade and up. Monday through Thursday, 4:30 to 5 p.m. Free with membership.

Day Camps: First through sixth grade. Open on most no-school days, including mid-winter break. Join the  staff for games, arts and crafts, outdoor activities and more, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., $95/week or $25/day.

Junior Staff volunteering: This program, for sixth graders and older, is a perfect first step in gaining job skills. They will set up a job interview and provide basic job training. This is a great resume and volunteer experience builder for students.

Student Advisory Board: The Funhouse is looking for interested young adults who want to participate in our Student Advisory Board. This board is an opportunity for high school students to be heard in the community. They will be deciding together what projects they want to work on and how the Funhouse can best serve them and their peers.

The Funhouse Commons will be collaborating with community members to do projects such as art installations and senior mentoring or hosting a documentary movie series. They’ll explore the idea of offering new teen classes and skill mentoring opportunities. All island high school students and homeschoolers are welcome.

Contact the Funhouse at 376-7177 or email rebecca@thefunhouse.org for more information.