Thank you to the people of Orcas | Letter

To the greatest community in the world,

I am so fortunate to have lived on Orcas these past 43 years. The love and support I and my family have received are why Orcas is so great. Most of you know the journey I have traveled these last five months, eight weeks in the hospital and three weeks in physical therapy.

I have been home now for two months and the love and support have not stopped. I do not know if I could have continued living without my family, friends and the Orcas community. There were times I just wanted to give up, but then I would receive some form of encouragement from one of you.

We are grateful to the many of you who have donated through GoFundMe. If you donated to Banner Bank via Velma Doty or Becky Doty-Flint we hope you have received our personal thank you. If you donated to Banner Bank directly, we have not been able to find out who you are but please know you have our deepest gratitude. If we knew who you were we would thank you personally. There are also the Orcas Island businesses and those of you who contributed through the American Legion a huge thanks to all of you.

I am getting stronger every day, walking on my own, learning to eat solid foods and getting my voice back. Friends and neighbors call and tell me that they have said prayers for me and I thank them and tell them that their prayers and mine have been answered. I have been given a second chance at life and I”m grateful.

My doctors (over 50) have told me I”m in the two percent to have lived thru this ordeal. I’m feeling lucky.

Once again thank you, the great citizens of Orcas, long-time residents or summer folk, there are not enough words in the dictionary to describe my gratitude.

Carl E Capdeville

Orcas Island