Vanishing yard signs | Letter

I know, nobody likes seeing political yard signs put up all over the island. However, they do play a role in helping voters know who is running for office. The signs also lend a certain sense of seriousness or gravitas to a campaign; if a candidate is willing to spend the money for signs, that candidate must probably be a serious candidate. If the county were to deny the right to post such signs, they would probably face a first amendment free speech challenge.

There used to be a rule in our county that one could not put up a political sign more than 45 days before an election, and signs needed to be removed within three days after the election. However, that rule is no longer in place due to a judge’s concerns about violating the law. You can find the new rule at

Since we no longer have time restrictions, those of us who had put up the Bob Ferguson signs in many spots around Orcas and San Juan Islands were planning on leaving them up. However, almost all of them have now disappeared. I have seen other Democrats’ signs removed as well. In contrast, most of the Republican signs are still standing.

It may be that someone not informed of the new rule decided to remove some of the signs. Or it could be someone wanting to just remove Democrats’ signs. I don’t want to make assumptions. However, taking signs that are lawfully displayed amounts to stealing of items that cost money to produce. No doubt they are being thrown into the waste stream, which is particularly maddening on an environmental level, as we generally save signs to use them again. Going forward, I am hoping signs will be left alone.

David Turnoy

Orcas Island