Stephanie understands our community | Letter

Our next San Juan County Commissioner needs to be someone with a deep understanding of how our island lifestyle works and how the average middle-class islander families want to live. That person is Stephanie O’Day.

Stephanie has been here for over 40 years. She started her own successful business and raised her family here. As a Land Use Attorney, she is intimately aware of how our county government works and how its focus has gone out of control towards rules, regulations, guidelines and ordinances over what a person has to do to be able to live here.

Stephanie wants to streamline our county offices to be more efficient and helpful towards the needs of the average person who wants to own property, raise a family, and start a business in the San Juan’s. A streamlined government is also a more affordable government and we can all use a little tax burden relief.

Our islands are full of people who would like to raise their families in a safe, friendly, affordable, middle class environment. These people are the true ‘strength, beauty and charm’ of our islands.

Please Vote for Stephanie O’Day, the candidate who will work for these islanders.

Scott and Leslie Brennan

San Juan Island