Vote Rick Hughes for County Council | Letter

In my tenure as County Auditor and his as County Council, Rick Hughes had the habit of dropping in on me for a “quick chat.” When he was on the path of an idea, he liked to talk it out, kick it around with other people, and really think about all aspects of it. Even if the timing was inopportune, I appreciated that Rick sought out and paid attention to other people’s thoughts and opinions.

The great thing about Rick’s ideas is that they were always about ways to help people. Working within legal and financial constraints, he was always trying to think of programs that would help the greatest number of people while causing the least amount of harm to others. Or as I used to say, he liked to “spend like a Democrat and tax like a Republican.”

In fact, Rick is truly nonpartisan. Too often, under the County’s Charter form of government, Council candidates have openly or surreptitiously pursued partisan goals. Rick is of neither party, which can make him an enigma to voters. Is he “conservative”? Is he “liberal”? I would posit that he is neither, but is, rather, a humanist who is genuinely interested in improving the economic, social and environmental conditions of San Juan County and its residents.

Rick’s greatest fault is that he cares too deeply. I have seen him choke up in conversations. I have seen him take to heart things written about him on social media. I have seen him unable to continue a meeting, because something struck so close to his heart that he needed to take a break. I used to see his sensitivity as weaknesses. I have come to realize that it is a strength. If there’s one thing we do not want in our elected officials, it is the inability to care.

So, when Rick drops into your house or your office with a big smile, arm extended for a handshake, ready to talk, take the time to listen. He will be listening to you.

F. Milene Henley

San Juan Island