My husband Justin Paulsen | Letter

Of course I’m voting for my husband, Justin Paulsen – not because he’s my husband, but because I truly believe he’s the best person running for County Council District #2 to influence our county government in ways that work for all islanders. Those who endorse him are your neighbors. He’s well known in our county for his action-oriented community service. Many of you may actually know him, without knowing you do.

Justin’s the guy who stood arena-side at the County Fair for 13 years, raking, watering, dragging, setting. He’s the entertaining announcer at gaming events, working hard to get rider and horse’s names right — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the guy that called a foul on your kiddo on the basketball court, or a strike on the ball field, while traveling inter-island to officiate and keep youth sport seasons going — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the guy that has done numerous repairs at your child’s preschool, and your child thinks he’s a superhero with super cool tools —that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the guy that coached your young athlete in peewee soccer, tee ball, softball, baseball or basketball — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the guy who spent a rainy morning umpiring a softball tournament to benefit families impacted by cancer —that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the dodgeball emcee in the odd outfit — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the one that opened his home to children needing a safe place, free from abuse or neglect, as often the only licensed foster family in the county — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s your OPAL neighborhood neighbor — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin is your local pig farmer, collecting food waste from your grocery store, food bank and bakery to contribute to county-grown food availability — that’s paulsen4council.

Justin’s the voice announcing a sporting event or sharing thoughts publicly at Senior Games — that’s paulsen4council.

He’s also a great dancer … but that’s my husband.

Island neighbors who are familiar with both Orcas candidates chose Justin in the primary. I hope all islanders agree it is time for change, time for new ideas and time to bring ALL voices to the table.

Amber Paulsen

Orcas Island