EDC invites islanders to EDC ferry forum

Submitted by San Juan County Economic Development Council.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council invites San Juan County business owners, workers and residents to participate in a ferry forum on Jan. 27 from 10 a.m.-noon. The event will include presentations on economic impacts from Washington State Ferries service and disruptions including results from the EDC’s third annual ferries survey, as well as information on efforts to achieve improved service and a panel discussion. Registration is required.

Presenters and panelists will include San Juan County Councilor Jane Fuller; San Juan County Councilor and Ferry Advisory Committee member Justin Paulsen; James McCafferty, director of the Center for Economic & Business Research at Western Washington University (WWU), and McK Mollner, research economist at WWU; a representative from Washington State Ferries; Jeremy Harrison-Smith, Northwest WA regional representative of the Washington state Office of the Governor; a representative from the Washington state Department of Commerce; and Victoria Compton, executive director of the EDC.

The event will be presented in person on San Juan Island and simultaneously online. Light refreshments will be served. For more information or to register, please visit www.sanjuansedc.org/ferries. Venue and other details will be sent after registration.

The EDC’s mission: The San Juan County Economic Development Council strives to support small rural enterprises, and conduct projects to stimulate new job creation, strengthen the economic base for working families and support overall quality of life for islanders.