The Kiwanis Paper Airplane Contest will be held on March 7 in the Orcas High School Gym.
The schedule is as follows:
• 1 to 2 p.m.: building and testing airplanes
• 2 to 3 p.m.: competitions
• 3 p.m.: awards
There are three competition age groups: 8 years and younger; 9 years to 12 years; 13 years and older.
Within each age group the following will be judged on:
• The longest distance flight
• Accuracy, closest to a spot
• Longest time aloft
There will be an award for the most beautiful airplane. It has to be built at home, by the person entering the airplane and using any paper materials that they wish. Judges’ decision is final.
Rules for the event are as follows:
1. All airplanes must be made from Kiwanis paper and material on Saturday, March 7 at the gym.
2. All airplanes must have a minimum of 3 inch wing-span. (Wing tip to wing tip).
3. Kiwanis paper, scotch tape and paper clips are the only materials allowed. Scissors will be available. No glue, straws or staples.
4. Only three size #1 paperclips per plane.
5. Airplanes may be made of more than one piece of paper.
6. Airplanes must be launched by hand only.
7. Each airplane gets one throw, and if that throw reaches the gym floor, that is the plane’s final position. If it doesn’t reach the floor, you may throw again.
8. The decisions of the judges are final.
There will be a special “All Pilots” competition at 1 p.m. It will take place in fond memory and in honor of Jack Conant, a retired pilot, Kiwanis member and a major paper airplane participant. So all pilots active and retired, come and show your skills in building and flying your paper 737s or 747s. The kids will have a great time watching, and you will add to an afternoon of fun. All materials will be provided.