Open position on San Juan School Board

The San Juan Island School Board will soon be appointing a new member to fill an unexpired term until November 2025. We are seeking a person who possesses the following qualifications:

• Demonstrates a strong interest in education and children and youth

• Leadership experience in team-based decision-making in the public or private sector

• Understands the importance of numerous perspectives to provide balance and bring constructive growth

• Understands the importance of community culture and traditions

• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

• Ability to listen to all people and consider all relevant aspects of an issue

• Strong communication skills

• An awareness of the diverse aspects of the San Juan Island Community

• Must be a United States citizen and a registered voter on San Juan Island

• May not be an employee of the school district or a member of the State Board of Education

Anyone interested in this position should submit a letter of application to the school district office at 285 Blair Avenue by noon on Sept. 6. The letter should be no more than two pages and explain the candidate’s interest in serving as a board member. Candidates are also requested to submit a resume or summary of background information along with their letter of interest. Interviews will occur on Sept. 11 at the San Juan Island School District office.

If you have additional questions or comments on the selection process, please call Diana Fearn at the San Juan Island School District Office, (360) 378-4133, or any of the following school board members: Barbara Bevens (360-298-4594), T.J. Heller (360-378-5838), John Kurtz (360-317-4342), Brian Moore (360-298-8701).