The Board of Directors of the Orcas Island Off-Leash Dog Park wanted to give back to the community as our expression of gratitude for such generous support. So we threw a party. What joy to see dogs and people mingling, playing and just having fun, meeting new and old friends.
There were several highlights. The water balloon toss between partners was hilarious, with some dogs interfering with each toss. People had so much fun that they kept getting new balloons when theirs broke.
Local deputy Bruce Distler showed incredible good humor, allowing kids to throw water-soaked balls at his waterproofed vest. What a good sport! Bruce added a great deal of fun for everyone and provided good PR for the Orcas sheriff’s department. We even had Search and Rescue German Shepherds putting on a display of their skills.
There was a relay in which people had to put on a hat, run to a squirt gun, squirt a balloon, honk a bicycle horn, blow bubbles and run back to the finish line. The kids, with dogs running along with them, had too much fun to do it only once.
Professional photographer Damien Stark donated his time and took portraits of dogs and their families, which are online, available to be printed.
There was a Frisbee demonstration, and a contest to see how many balls dogs could bring back in their mouths. They all did well, although they didn’t know it was a contest and returned at their own leisurely pace. Lucy, Lola, Riley and Charlie were all winners.
The highlight of the day was Lesley Liddle’s demonstration of the agility course. Pat Krugle and Pepper made it look easy. Colleen Armstrong’s trainer brought her German Shepherd, whom she claimed had never before tried the agility course. Her shepherd eased through the course with speed and grace, surprising us all! Anne Mount’s dog Riley wanted to give it a try after a two year hiatus. Everyone knew Riley would remember, although some folks questioned Anne’s memory. Riley had had enough fun halfway through the course and ran to his daddy, Joe. Riley and Ann got a big hand for their efforts.
The Board of the Dog Park offers a big thanks to all who came out to help us celebrate.
Judy Dorman, Karen Green, Judy Sutherland, Karen Linnis, Kathy Pierson and Eros Belleive
Orcas Off-Leash Dog Park board of directors