On May 7, the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services held an annual fundraising event. It is timely, in that context, to refer to a letter I wrote on November 30, 2010 concerning the abuse of power wielded by this group. In fact, such is the power of this organization that an editorial response for “calling a public agency’s integrity into question” was written. The online comments to the editorial, dated January 4, 2011, yielded a wealth of personal stories that clearly reveal this organization’s integrity has, indeed, been violated.
More telling still, the DVSAS organization is unwilling to self examine, even when faced with specific instances and names of employees breaching confidentiality. Most recent feminist scholarship, particularly in law schools, is keenly conscious that help groups crossing the line from advocacy into zealotry lose credibility and effectiveness.
No entity can maintain standards and original purpose if they believe themselves beyond scrutiny or criticism. The time has come for DVSAS of the San Juan Islands to fairly confront the criticism – not the critics.
Elise Anderson
Orcas Island