We are active in the Orcas community. We have had numerous opportunities to meet many of our young people. These encounters are usually young people walking up seeking information or participating in friendly conversations.
There are other communities that have realized how important being involved in the development of their young people’s values can be. There are documented positive outcomes when parent groups, schools and the local community get together to provide a wide variety of after school activities, which provide for increased opportunities for the young people. The ability to be flexible in the programs offered or created is important. Let’s face it: not every child is an athlete or an artist. Each child should be offered an opportunity to grow.
Please consider the following quote from Garrison Keillor: “Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. They seem not to notice us, hovering, averting our eyes, and they seldom offer thanks, but what we do for them is never wasted.”
We realize voters are presently facing hard economic times and money is important. We ask you to consider the importance of the future of our youth, community and country.
Steve Vierthaler
Doug Maya
Bruce Distler
Orcas Island