Educational programs and operations replacement levy | Letter

Did you know that Public Schools are not fully funded by the State? Sad but true, the state only funds approximately 83% of basic education.

Therefore, art, music, career-readiness programs, athletics, support for students with special needs, professional development for staff, and even essential staff like teachers, nurses, social workers and counselors are not fully funded by the state. This upcoming Levy would support all of this and more.

On Feb. 13 there is a special election and one of the items on the ballot is the Educational Programs & Operations Replacement Levy for Orcas Island School District.

This is not a new tax, the Orcas School District replaces this Levy every four years (the last one was in August of 2020). The Levy renews an expiring tax that provides local funding for critical needs not covered by state funding. The proposed collection is $2,600,000 for 2025 and 2026 and $2,750,000 for 2027 and 2028. The four-year average rate is lower than the current levy.

Local levy funding allows the School District to provide quality education for the children of our community, which goes beyond the minimum funding provided by the State.

The members of the School Board encourage you to vote!!

If you have questions or need additional information about the February 13, 2024 primary election, please contact Superintendent Eric Webb at (360) 376-2284 or

Look for your ballot on January 26th and remember to turn in your ballot on or by Feb 13th and make your voice heard!

Orcas Island School Board