The headline for last week’s article about OPAL Community Land Trust moving the UP! House was misleading, and the article did not tell the whole story.
The Edith Macefield House may be donated to OPAL. For that to happen, individuals will need to donate to the Kickstarter campaign. If the funds are not raised, the house may be demolished. If donations reach $205,000 by Sept. 15, then OPAL will move the house to Orcas and renovate it as a permanently affordable home. The house is famous because Edith Macefield refused a purported $1 million offer forcing the Ballard Blocks Office and Retail Center to build around her home. When Disney/Pixar released the movie UP!, they did a promotional photo shoot of Edith’s house. As a result, many people have come to call this Seattle’s UP! House. This is a unique opportunity for Orcas Island to gain another affordable house and also to be part of preserving a much-adored building with a unique history. We hope that donors to this campaign will be people from all over the country. If you know someone who cares about this house, its story, or what it represents, please tell them about the campaign.
Go here and search for “Up House.’
Lisa Byers
Executive Director OPAL Community Land Trust