Music meets math | Letter

As I staggered up the steps of the 6:25 p.m. sailing from Anacortes to Orcas after a full and exhausting day of Middle School Honor Band activity, of which three members of Orcas MS band eagerly participated in, I thought of the great relief that lie in store for me: comfortable ferry cushions in which to recline and much needed rest.

As I staggered up the steps of the 6:25 p.m. sailing from Anacortes to Orcas after a full and exhausting day of Middle School Honor Band activity, of which three members of Orcas MS band eagerly participated in, I thought of the great relief that lie in store for me: comfortable ferry cushions in which to recline and much needed rest. However, I could not even imagine what my immediate future had in store for me as I greeted the Math Olympiad students from Orcas, accompanied by our beloved Ms. Lori Oakes who immediately proceeded to place me into a “full nelson” wrestling hold followed by swift karate kicks appropriately placed.

As I lay there in a pool of exasperation, I faintly recall the words, “How dare you take some of my best math students away from me in our time of need!” Ms. Oakes exclaimed. She was, of course referring to the aforementioned honor band students who happen to be, you guessed it, great math students! Drifting toward unconsciousness, it hit me like a ton of killer whales cruising Cascade Lake: was there a relationship between math and music and how does it fit into the scheme of public education as we know it?

Stay tuned for further information by coming to the Orcas Center this Thursday, May 31 at 7 p.m. and see your tax dollars at work as well as math and music walking hand in hand with the complete middle school and high school band and Mrs. Wright’s MS and HS strings all playing their hearts out.

Martin Lund

Orcas School