No more wish lists for weapons and war | Letter

Each year, Congress requires the Pentagon to draw up a wish list of weapons and projects that the administration didn’t ask for, known as the “Unfunded Priorities List.”

These lists offer a backdoor to boosting already excessive military spending, a practice that has received criticism from both political parties.

The Streamline Pentagon Budgeting Act (H.R.4740) is a bipartisan bill that would repeal the annual mandate for these military wish lists. This bill is a crucial step toward accountability, transparency, and peace.

Recently we met with the office of Representative Rick Larsen to solicit support for this bill, and we are pleased to report that several weeks ago Rep. Larsen provided his support for this bill and joined as a cosponsor.

We thank Rep. Larsen for taking this important stand on legislation to add transparency and improve the military budgeting process for ordinary citizens to understand.

We now call upon our Senators, Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, to take similar action and support the introduction of a companion bill in the Senate. Please take a stand to bring more accountability to US military spending.

San Juan Islands Advocacy Team

Kathy Cope, Friday Harbor

Linda Ellsworth, Eastsound

Jerry Graville, Lopez Island

Andy Hiester, Eastsound

Micki Jackson, Bellingham

Charles Janeway, Lopez Island

Bruce Radtke, Bellingham

Tom Rawson, Eastsound

Kim Secunda, Eastsound

Allen Stockbridge, Bellingham