No to CRC changes | Letter

We are writing to express our strong opposition to propositions one and two. When we moved to Orcas in 1998, the three man council was facing the state required decisions resulting from the voters decision to voluntarily become part of the growth management act.

We are writing to express our strong opposition to propositions one and two. When we moved to Orcas in 1998, the three man council was facing the state required decisions resulting from the voters decision to voluntarily become part of the growth management act. The requirements were unpopular and burdensome, and highlighted for the first time the “bad fit” of this act for a small rural county.  The council repeatedly postponed and delayed meeting the deadlines. Two against three “cliques” developed, policy swings and inconsistencies were  frequent, and the work burden seemed overwhelming.

Now we are asked to return to that same three- man council by the commission elected to “review” the voter approved change in this system. Also, we are asked to give up having an independent administrator  with executive authority that has provided some balance and consistency in local government.  We fear this will return us to the days of the council representing not the good of the county, but of its constituent islands. In all levels of government, the principal of democracy is one- man one vote.  Adopting the proposed changes would give the same representation to one sixth of the population (Shaw/Lopez) and to the one half that lives on San Juan and the one third that lives on Orcas. It would also, by reducing the number of representatives, alter the closer relationships voters have developed with their council members. The fact that we have been able to speak directly to Richard Fralick has invigorated our interest in and knowledge of county issues.

Please reject these proposals and let our present system continue. If you are unhappy, change your representatives, not the constitution of your government.

John Mazzarella

Orcas Island