Support Dorothy Austin fundraiser

Orcas Island resident Dorothy Austin was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in situ, (breast cancer) in June 2003. Although she has been receiving intensified treatments for the last two years, the cancer has progressed to a stage four status, and she needs help with further, more substantial, treatments.

Dorothy has been an important part of our island culture for over four decades. She is an artist; friend and supporter of artists; effective, fearless defender of our rural ways; mom (mother of Pearl); protector of our island ecology and enthusiastic endorser of those who work to save it; integral part of Canoe Island French Camp which started in 1969 at the Madrona Inn on Madrona Point; former Four Winds and Camp Norwester camper; gardener; and daughter of Orcas Island benefactors Dr. and Mrs. Warren Austin.

In celebration and recognition of our vibrant network of talented and hardworking community members, please come by the Odd Fellows Hall on Haven Road in Eastsound, Orcas Island, on Saturday, Sept. 4 (Labor Day weekend), between 6 and 10 p.m. for music and delectables, as well as viewing of locally crafted works, enticing local goods and services, and distinctive fine art pieces by local island and Northwest artists, all available through silent auction.

All donations and proceeds from this event will benefit the Dorothy Austin Cancer Healing and Wellness fund at Key Bank in Eastsound.

Please make all donations payable to:

Dorothy Austin

P.O. Box 30

Eastsound, WA 98245

(360) 376-2211

For more information go to:

Friends of Dorothy Austin

Orcas Island