“Student life: let’s talk about sex, part one,” is fantastic. I truly admire your skill as a journalist. You hit all important points with such carefully chosen words and tone that you pull island readers in, and you include the points of view of all those most concerned: parents, students themselves, teachers, school board, health care providers.
Of course, I am very appreciative of the information included about IRHI, the listing of all Orcas clinics and midwife, and that care for teens is confidential at minimal or no cost.
The early quote from Sarah Lyle speaks so clearly to the crucial point. It’s great that you close with the quote from a high school student, which sharply validates her message. All of the quotes you were able to gather from students, strongly focus readers on the reality of the prevalence of sexual activity that takes place among teens on Orcas, and of how frequently it is combined with the use of alcohol and drugs.
I certainly hope that the combination of your article and your editorial will alert parents to confront how important their influence is with their children, and that it is their dialogue, or lack of dialogue, which will have the greatest effect on their children’s sexual behavior.
I am so grateful to you for bringing this critically important issue forward. I hope the community appreciates the important step you have taken, and that it will have the effect intended.
Jean Henigson
Orcas Island