I noticed that the recent report in the Islands’ Sounder on the Washington state Democrats resolution to “End the Wars and Bring our Troops and Tax Dollars Home” did not include specific numbers.
I think it’s important for the citizens of San Juan County to know that the taxpayers of San Juan County are to date collectively paying or have become indebted for over $64.9 million, and the taxpayers of Washington state for over $28.6 billion, in total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001. Our congressman, Rick Larsen (D), has voted on our behalf in favor of more than $1 trillion in war funding. For fiscal year 2011, according to the National Priorities Project, the war in Afghanistan is expected cost the taxpayers of San Juan County $5.5 million.
At the same time, federal budget cuts threaten to reduce funding for college Pell grants, low income housing, health care, senior and youth programs, Puget Sound clean-up and transportation.
I imagine that the readers of the Islands’ Sounder would like to know these numbers. Anyone who is interested in discussing or learning more about the cost of the wars is invited to the Orcas Senior Center, Wednesday, May 18, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Rena Patty
Orcas Island