We are thrilled to announce that another absolutely stellar wreath sale has come to a close, and as we sweep up the evergreens we have many thanks to make.
Thanks to Marlace and Rick Hughes (Ray’s Pharmacy and Con’s Pit Stop) and Natalie Menacho (the Co-op) for their ongoing partnership. Without hesitation they gave our wreath stands a home at their businesses and facilitated the sale of over a hundred wreaths within two weeks. Their wonderful staff took sales, swept up pine needles, let us know when they needed a fresh delivery, and made us feel so welcome – thank you!
To Kim and Rick Dalgarno of Hope Lane Storage, who invited us to house the wreaths in one of their units, thank you! Without this space so close to the school and sales points we could not have kept up with home deliveries, stocking and shipping.
To Island Hardware for offering yet again to transport our wreaths from our supplier. To Gail, Bob, Madeline, Charlie of Orcas Freight for picking them up and bringing them right to us – then cheerfully unpacking them from the pallets when it transpired they wouldn’t fit through the doors!
To alumni parent and friend of the school Regan Vaughn, for making deliveries, restocking and securing and repairing our displays when a heavy wind blew them over! His roll of red tape and willingness to pitch in were indispensable.
To Sarah Ogmundson of the Chamber of Commerce for adding our wreath wagon to the Tree Lighting ceremony of the green, and promptly printing all of our notices which gave us great visibility in our local community.
To our Wreath Committee – parents who gave us their time, effort and skills to make the sale a success. From designing posters to bagging wreaths in the cold and making trips to the post office they were behind the scenes keeping the sale moving.
To everyone who bought a wreath – each and every sale is valuable to us. These funds are used to keep our small school thriving, and the way in which it is embraced year after year lets us know how many people are behind our success!
Karen Meng
On behalf of the OMS Wreath Sale Committee and staff of OMS