Alice di Micele in concert on the Village Green

Join us on Sunday, July 28 at 5 p.m. on the Village Green for Alice di Micele as part of the FREE Summer Concert Series from Orcas Center, Country Corner, OrcaSong Farm, and GiveOrcas/OICF.

The first thing you’ll notice about Alice Di Micele is her voice. With a five-octave range that is intense, sensual, rich and soulful, Di Micele has been known to turn a noisy bar silent within a few notes. Her warm presence and humor disarm and create a rare intimacy between audience and performer. Whether singing a jazzy-folk number, belting a sassy blues, crooning a hushed ballad, or rocking out on one of her trademark rhythmic earthy grooves, Alice is a vocalist that moves people. A kick-ass guitarist as well, whether playing solo or with a band “Force of Nature” her acoustic guitar conjures percussive poly-rhythms, bass lines, and melodies that perfectly frame her vocals.

With seventeen solo recordings and 35 years of touring to her credit, Di Micele’s songwriting has covered a lot of ground. Her early albums are filled with folky anthems to the earth and as her music has grown so has her ability to express universal themes touching on politics and environmental concerns, human relationships and emotions all in a very musical way. Di Micele cannot be pegged into one category or style as she is truly unique.

Don’t miss this fun in the summer sun! Another great FREE concert thanks to donations from local businesses including Orcas Food Co-Op and Outlook Inn.

More information and full concert lineup can be found at