Submitted by the Orcas Island Children’s House.
Spring cleaning has been taken to a higher level at Orcas Island Children’s House.
Thanks to some generous and skilled community members, the school is flaunting a new fence in their toddler play yard. After being blown down by a storm this past winter, the weathered fence has been in need of replacement to keep the toddlers safe. After receiving a Satterberg Foundation Family Award for the majority of the building materials, local builders and fathers Tyson Balcomb and Lincoln Gable of Shovel and Saw, LLC graciously donated their time and expertise toward planning the fence project. Along with parent volunteers, and some very small helping hands, Balcomb and Gable led the fence rebuild over spring break. It will keep the little ones safe and adds to the curb appeal along North Beach Road for the community to enjoy.
Special thanks goes to Island Hardware and Supply for their generous donation of materials at cost, Orcas Island Stitch and Gossip for their donation towards materials, and the many volunteers who helped dig, nail, feed, and encourage throughout the project.
Later in the week, a hardworking group from Leadership San Juan spent an afternoon landscaping the entrance of the school. The group of volunteers split their time and efforts between working at the Funhouse Commons and Children’s House. Together, both organizations are looking ready for the spring season with fresh bark mulch, dead bushes replaced with new plants, and general tidying up around the grounds.
The combined efforts have truly exemplified the generosity and talent of this community we are so lucky to be a part of. Together, these volunteers, skilled tradespeople, business owners, parents and teachers are modeling to our youngest islanders the “Orcas way” of giving back.
The Children’s House is grateful and honored to have been given such a gift, and is grateful for the lessons these community members have taught our young students. Next time you drive, jog, or walk down North Beach Road, take a moment to admire the beautiful new fence that truly symbolizes the strength and generosity of our community.