On Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 10:30 am, the Orcas Island Garden Club presents Paul Spriggs who will discuss Cracks and Crevices: The Art of the Crevice Garden. Paul will share his extensive knowledge of crevice gardens, covering aspects of inspiration, history, design, construction, and maintenance of this newly emerging form of garden art. He will discuss creating crevice gardens of varying sizes, from small containers to large installations, and show a selection of his own personal favorite plant choices.
This presentation will be recorded and will be available online for four weeks. The link to the live meeting, hosted by the Orcas Island Library, is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84063611347?pwd=UitVTlBYWjRvNXlGMEU4anZPbkZ0dz09
The Zoom meeting link can be found on the homepage of the Orcas Island Garden Club website (https://www.orcasislandgardenclub.org).
Spriggs has been rock gardening for 23 years and building crevice gardens for 16 years. He is an avid plant explorer, photographer, mountaineer, owner of Spriggs Gardens Landscaping company, and past President of the Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society. He has a passion for all wild plants, especially those of dwarf stature, and collects and cultivates them at gardens in Victoria, BC, Canada. Paul learned the craft of crevice garden building from one of its innovators, Zdenek Zvolanek, of the Czech Republic. He has built many gardens in public parks and private homes, ranging from small feature troughs, to large installations involving many tons of stone. With Kenton Seth, he co-authored The Crevice Garden: How to make the perfect home for plants from rocky places. Paul can be followed on Instagram using the handle @paulspriggsrockgardener.