Healthy teen relationship workshops

Join Beth Jensen, LMHC, for a six-week workshop entitled “Love and Rockets: Teen Relationships that Feel Good.”

Join Beth Jensen, LMHC, for a six-week workshop entitled “Love and Rockets: Teen Relationships that Feel Good.”

This workshop is for high school teens on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. starting Oct. 28, at Camp Orkila Alumni House. This event is hosted by Beth Jensen and sponsored by Funhouse Commons. It is completely free.

Are you in a relationship? Wish you were? Plan to be sometime in your life?

“Join the discussion and activity group to learn about how to do relationships in a healthy way, get life tools to manage conflict and stress that will inevitably show up, separate out actual human sexuality from the stupidity mainstream media feeds us, and figure out what respect and boundaries can do in your life,” say organizers.

Topics will include: healthy relationships, teen dating violence, human sexuality, conflict management, respect and boundaries, staying and playing safe.

Join Beth Jensen for one night of a parent education class on Oct. 21  from 7 to 9 p.m.  at the Camp Orkila Alumni House.

Call Rebecca at the Funhouse, 376-7177 or email to register.