On Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 10 a.m., the Orcas Island Garden Club will host a Hybrid meeting with Jason Ontjes on “How to Be a Noxious Weed Warrior: A Guide to the Identification and Management of Weeds that Matter in the San Juans.”
You may attend the presentation in person in the Madrona Room at Orcas Center or you may participate via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81572295698?pwd=OHVtWjh3bVF1cDRuQVJBYmtLNkRSZz09#success.
Ontjes, the Noxious Weed Control Program Coordinator in San Juan County, will teach us how to identify the most common noxious weeds in the San Juans and why we should attempt to control them. He will review methods to remove and reduce their spread.
January is the perfect time to identify and manage noxious weeds. Out with the old before we bring in the new!