Local man bikes for Mercy Flights

Over the last five years, Mike Kulper has ridden his bike about 30,000 miles. It’s been his passion since retiring early to Orcas. He bikes (and runs and swims) every single day. Recently, Kulper was leaving Enzo’s and a local woman, Victoria Drake, asked him if he’d ever thought about riding for a cause. He hadn’t. He figured most people who did that were doing a ride across several states, or even across the country. But her idea really made him think. When he mentioned he’d like to ride for a local cause, the woman she was drinking coffee with, Jennifer Aslett, suggested that he ride for the Orcas Island Mercy Flight Program.

Many people on the island who need frequent medical care need frequent transportation off the island. That usually means trips to and from mainland medical facilities. The cost and time add up quickly. So pilots and locals donate their time and money to save the time and money of those in need.

Kulper decided that perhaps his 20 or so miles per day of biking can double as a fundraising solution to help support the Mercy Flight Program. You can donate a penny per mile, $100 per mile, or whatever feels comfortable for you, for as many miles as you’d like. Kulper’s GoFundMe campaign is at https://www.gofundme.com/miles-for-mercy-flights and you’ll probably see him out on the roads, so wave to him when you drive by.