Marine Naturalist Training Program

Are you interested in becoming a trained and certified Marine Naturalist? Or have you ever just wanted to know more about the animals that share your ecosystem?

Are you interested in becoming a trained and certified Marine Naturalist? Or have you ever just wanted to know more about the animals that share your ecosystem?  The Whale Museum is currently accepting registrations for its Marine Naturalist Training Program.  Now offered twice yearly, the object of this program is to provide a learning experience that assists adults in becoming qualified regionally as professional or volunteer naturalists.  The course is endorsed by the Pacific Whale Watch Association.

Dates for the spring program are April 27, 28, May 4, 11, 18 and 19. The summer program takes place from July 18 through 24 with a one-day break on July 21.

For more information or to register, contact Cindy Hansen at or 378-4710 ext. 23. Registration material can be downloaded from the Whale Museum website at