Throughout the year, the employees of West Sound Café have been putting small loose change from their tips into a Piggy Bank dedicated to Orcas Island Food Bank.
In 2012, the Piggy Bank yielded $246.38. With a bit of rounding up and matching funds from owners Richard and Nanae Fralick, the West Sound Café Employees will be gifting a total of $500 to the Orcas Island Food Bank this year.
Participating in the gift in 2012 were: Ione Angeles, Eros Belliveau, Roze Bortoletto, Serena Burman, Joe Cain, Anthony Eckerson, Pamela Evans, Chet Gibbard, Carmel Hall, Elijah Jones, Edith Leonard, Kyle Masters, Alex Petruszak, Justine Pope, Wilma Sale, Margaret May Schaller, Jennifer Smith, Hilary Walker and David Wiltfong.
The West Sound Café hopes to expand this program in 2013 by displaying the “Food Bank Piggy” prominently to encourage restaurant patrons to contribute their loose change as well.