by Anna V. Smith
Journal reporter
If you haven’t already heard the rumblings, or even if you have, I can confirm them for you here: this will be my last edition with the Journal of the San Juans and the Islands’ Sounder. As a reporter for the Journal for the last seven months, covering county-wide issues, I like to think that I’ve had a somewhat different view of how islanders coexist than the casual latest arrival.
In the San Juans, fundraisers are held for residents in need, the photos and stories of the recently passed elderly are posted on the windows of local businesses. Keys are left in the car while the driver goes about his or her errands with not much thought about somebody stealing it. After all, the ferry is the only way off. And yet Friday Harbor, and the other communities here, have a wider, world vision. It’s seen in the recent STEM initiatives at the high school and potentially the elementary school. The San Juan Islands Art Museum that features world renowned art for anyone to see for free, and the still relatively new, high tech hospital.
The sheriff’s log is most often filled with loose sheep and miscommunications over a crab pot, every stranger is a friend of a friend and it’s common to take an hour at the grocery store for what should have been a quick trip due to how many people you run into. That is not to gloss over the issues that are very much present here. The islands have very real problems with creating affordable housing initiatives, providing opportunities for low income families, focusing on conservation efforts and environmental issues, dealing with domestic violence and much more.
But what I mean to say, is that the good parts here far outweigh the bad. Whether it’s sunsets at Lime Kiln State Park, watching the winter storms come in off Cattle Point Road, being a bystander at one of the many parades, hearing a generational islander talk about the old days, this place is full of more good than a lot of places in the world and that is something to cherish. It’s something that I’ll hold with me as I leave these islands, along with the islanders I’ve met and the times we’ve shared.
Thank you San Juan Island, Orcas Island, Lopez Island and little Shaw Island for the beauty in the past few months, and another thank you to the islanders that made it as fulfilling as it was.
The Journal welcomes Courtney Oldwyn
New reporter Courtney Oldwyn grew up visiting her grandparents, who live at Roche Harbor and spent many summers on San Juan Island working and teaching horseback riding lessons to island kids. Oldwyn has always enjoyed writing, was an English major at Oregon State University and has dabbled in journalism. She and her husband, a born and raised islander, moved back to Friday Harbor in 2009 and are committed to raising their two young children here.