Auditor seeks writers of arguments against two local measures

Voters in San Juan County will decide two local measures in the November election.

On Lopez, the annual one-year levy for the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District will be on the ballot. The district is once again asking for $105,000 to support operations of the district.

Countywide, voters will decide whether to impose a .5% real estate excise tax (REET) on the sale of property within the county. The tax will be paid 99% by the buyer and 1% by the seller and will be used to support affordable housing efforts within the county.

In order to ensure an informed electorate, every district that puts a measure on the ballot is required to appoint committees to write arguments both for and against the measure. If a district is unable to appoint committees, that responsibility falls to the County Auditor. Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District and San Juan County have appointed committees to write arguments in favor of their measures. Both have been unable to find writers in opposition to their measures. To that end, I am seeking people to write the “con” arguments for both local measures.

If you have an interest in writing an opposing argument, contact the auditor at or (360) 370-7558 by Friday, Aug. 17. Up to three people (per measure) may be named as argument writers, though they may seek the assistance of as many people as needed. Statements are limited to 250 words.