Burn permits expire June 30; fireworks are illegal

The warm weather at the end of June brings with it the end to outdoor yard debris burning throughout San Juan County, all burn permits expire on June 30. Both larger land clearing piles and ten foot diameter yard cleanup burn piles will be prohibited until October when permits will again be available.

The warm weather at the end of June brings with it the end to outdoor yard debris burning throughout San Juan County, all burn permits expire on June 30. Both larger land clearing piles and ten foot diameter yard cleanup burn piles will be prohibited until October when permits will again be available.

Recreational fires up to two feet in diameter, in an approved burn ring, will be permitted during the summer, as the fire danger allows. An approved burn ring will have some sort of containment such as a rock ring and be cleared to mineral earth an additional two feet outside the fire ring. Be sure to have a garden hose or water available at all times and make sure the fire is completely out before leaving it unattended. Watch for changes in local fire danger, you’ll see signs poster around the county indicating the current threat. When the fire danger is very high even recreational fire s may be prohibited.

The Fourth of July will be here soon and spectacular fireworks shows are scheduled around the county. But remember, these are the only fireworks permitted. Personal fireworks are illegal in San Juan County.