Playwrights, both budding and with some experience, are invited to participate in a Skagit Valley College playwriting course to be held on Orcas Island. Four sessions, Saturdays Oct. 10, Oct. 17, Nov. 7, and Nov. 14, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The course will include exercises in development of character, conflict, and short story adaptation into a narrative play while reading and analyzing several contemporary plays. Each student is encouraged to write a one-act play suitable for performance in the San Juan Islands.
Instructor Antoinette Botsford has a Ph.D. in Theatre History and Dramaturgy from UCLA. Botsford co-authored 13 produced television scripts, numerous plays for Agitprop and street theatre productions, and has published four adaptations of plays by Michel de Ghelderode. Botsford recently taught Theatre 101 for Skagit Valley College and was a theatre critic for a Los Angeles weekly newspaper for five years.
Skagit Valley College tuition for The Playwright’s Journey is $75.00. Call for location and registration details. 376-4285.