Community resources to assist islanders

Many are feeling the strain of the economic downturn. Some are being laid off. Some are still working, but earning less. The Orcas community has many opportunities to give to those feeling the pinch, as well as an extensive network of services and aid for everyone from newborns to seniors. The following is part one of a two part list.

Many are feeling the strain of the economic downturn. Some are being laid off. Some are still working, but earning less. The Orcas community has many opportunities to give to those feeling the pinch, as well as an extensive network of services and aid for everyone from newborns to seniors. The following is part one of a two part list.

The Food Bank

Dave McPeak is the contact person. Open Tuesdays 12:30 to 1:30, Located off Mt. Baker Road, next to Orcas Island Dentistry and the old OPALCO warehouse. Provides food for and are currently serving 40 families. Donations are accepted Tuesdays on-site and daily at the Orcas Senior Center. 376-2671


Offers electric bill assistance and advice on how to make your home more energy efficient. You can donate money to help pay the electric bill for someone in need through Project PAL. 376-3500

Orcas Senior Center

The Senior Nutrition Program, provides lunches on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12:00 noon. There is a suggested donation price of $4 for those more than 60 years of age and $6 for anyone else. 376-2677

Elder Law Attorney

A free 1/2 hour consultation is available at the Orcas Senior Center on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Call 376-2677 for an appointment.

WIC – Women Infants and Children

Public Health Nurses offer education, advice, maternal support and provides basic nutritional needs for mothers with children up to age 5. 376-4474

Food Stamps – For information, please call the Department of Health and Social Services at 378-4196


CenturyTel offers reduced rates to those who already are on some sort of government assistance. 800-201-4099

Eastsound Fire Department

The fire department has 24-hour paramedic staffing and offers preventative advice, Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure screening. There is also an opportunity to volunteer. The Fire Department can always use someone to answer phones and provide office/administrative help. 376-2331

The Odd Fellows

The Odd Fellows offer free wood for heating, but ask that you please respect this service and use it only if you are truly in need. There will be a Dragonfly Dance on Saturday, December 20th at the Odd Fellows Hall, and this is a perfect opportunity to support the Odd Fellows while celebrating community. Jay Kimball is the contact person at 376-5640.