The County Council has affirmed the designation of Bob Myhr, Council Member, District 6, as the San Juan County watershed representative on the Puget Sound Partnership Salmon Recovery Council. The San Juan County Marine Resources Committee (MRC) had requested the Council’s support for the appointment which, under state law, the MRC, as the local Salmon Recovery Citizens Advisory Group, is responsible for making.
The Salmon Recovery Council was a linchpin in the Shared Strategy for Puget Sound – the collaborative group that has developed a federally approved basin-wide salmon recovery plan. Now it advises the Leadership Council of the Puget Sound Partnership on policy, project strategies, and assists in the development of the work plan for salmon recovery in greater Puget Sound. The Council’s membership is drawn from each of the watershed chapter areas, the environmental and business community, tribes, and the state and federal agencies involved in salmon recovery,
County Council Member Myhr brings a wide range of related experience and expertise to this new role. He has been an active member in the San Juan community for over 40 years. His experiences as the Executive Director of the San Juan Preservation Trust, his involvement in the creation and sustenance of the San Juan County Land Bank, his service on the board of the Washington State Wildlife and Recreation Coalition and his passion for fishing are assets Myhr brings to the Recovery Council. “As an avid fisherman and dedicated conservationist,” he said, “I am honored to serve as the new representative from San Juan County. Our surrounding waters provide significant nursing areas and forage habitat for juvenile salmon. Our entire community both here in the islands and throughout the rest of the Sound will benefit from restoration of a thriving and healthy salmon stock.”
Myhr will replace Kevin Ranker, San Juan County Council Member, District 1. Ranker was elected co-chair of the Recovery Council in 2006 and served in that position for the last two years. He was actively involved in implementing the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan developed by the Council and has been a strong and successful advocate for the funding of salmon recovery projects in San Juan County. Ranker also helped focus attention on the importance of San Juan County’s nearshore salmon habitat in achieving regional salmon recovery goals.
Council Member Myhr expressed his appreciation for Ranker’s efforts: “I especially want to thank Councilman Kevin Ranker for his past representation of our county during his two-year tenure on the Recovery Council. His dedication and leadership have been instrumental in assuring full participation by all the counties and communities around the Sound.”