A redesigned County News page went into service this week on the County website at: www.sanjuanco.com/news . The former news page was more oriented to print news releases and offered documents in “PDF” file format.
“The new page is designed specifically for the web and is able to display pictures, text and graphic content more easily and in a way that is easier to read and navigate,” said County webmaster Stan Matthews.
The County News site is designed to grow, have new sections and features added for things such as special features, employee news and legal notices.
Other portions of the web site are also being upgraded. Two new searches will go on line shortly after the first of the year: An upgraded recorded documents search, which will directly access the Auditor’s new recording system; and a new online system enabling law enforcement and others to identify found dogs by their description, breed or license number. The system will also assist private citizens who come upon a lost dog to locate the owner by entering the dog’s license number online.
“The County website is an extremely efficient means of making information available to the public at any time of the night or day,” Matthews said. “San Juan Countians will continue to see new features and improvements designed to make the website easier to use throughout this coming year.”