County Solid Waste survey is in the mail

A survey questionnaire about how the county should approach current and future challenges in dealing with solid and hazardous waste has been mailed to approximately half of the households in San Juan County. The survey is designed to take about 10 minutes to complete and asks questions about:

A survey questionnaire about how the county should approach current and future challenges in dealing with solid and hazardous waste has been mailed to approximately half of the households in San Juan County. The survey is designed to take about 10 minutes to complete and asks questions about:

• Individual use of County solid waste facilities

• The structure of County solid waste management

• Paying for solid waste services

• And it provides space for other comments and recommendations.

The independent consultant conducting the survey is asking for a single response from each household (rather than from individuals) because waste is generally collected and passes on for transfer at the household level.

Responses to the survey are due, either by mail or using an on-line option, no later than midnight August 2, 2010.

Beginning Monday, July 26, households that are not among the random sample receiving the mailed survey will be able to participate by filling out the survey online. A link to the online survey will be placed under Notices on San Juan County’s home page at The link will direct users to an independent server where the survey is available.

Use of the independent server and a consultant not affiliated with the County will help insure the identities and responses of those who complete the survey form will be kept confidential.

The citizen input will be presented to the County Council and used in the process of making the decisions concerning the short and long-term management of solid and hazardous waste throughout the county-wide system over the next six years.

Anyone seeking more information about how their views on the solid waste management system can be heard should contact Elizabeth Anderson, AICP, Solid Waste Planner, at 360-370-0531.