The goal of the event is to render attendees of the event better equipped to make the personal decisions that will ultimately contribute to improving the quality of life and the economic vitality of the San Juan Islands, according to a press release from the San Juan County Transportation Summit 2008.
“Transportation is the number one issue impacting the economic sustainability of San Juan County’s communities and businesses and the everyday quality of life of residents.
“The role of intermodal transportation in reducing pollution and congestion will be largely determined by public policy at several levels of government and partnerships among various public agencies, private providers and the citizens of San Juan County.”
The preliminary program schedule is as follows:
9 a.m. – Doors Open
9:30-10 – Registration
10-11:30 – Conversation 1: Car-less Travel to and from the County. Conversation 2: Community Transit and Special Needs
11:30 – Lunch
12:30-2 p.m. – Conversation 3: On Foot and on Bikes in San Juan County. Conversation 4: Passenger Ferries – Can We Make Them Work for Us?
2-2:15 – Break
2:15-3:45 – Conversation 5: Tourism Management: From the Newest Scenic Byway to the 2010 Olympics. Conversation 6: Inter-island and Regional Freight Mobility
3:45-4 – Break
4-5 A Conversation with the State Transportation Commission: Long term Ferry Funding and Customer Surveys
Exhibits will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Call for Exhibitors
Exhibitors are being sought that provide a transportation service to San Juan County residents, advocate for some aspect of transportation services, or can demonstrate unique transportation solutions and/or technologies.
Exibitors are asked to email at the contact information below to explore how to provide an exhibit at the 2008 Transportation Summit. Exhibit space is free, but limited for exhibitors to display what they think are key elements to future transportation solutions.
Call for Sponsors
Additional sponsors are also sought for the event. Organizations are asked to email the address below for further information.
Call for Volunteers
“We need volunteers to help us ensure this event is a roaring success.”
Volunteer opportunities exist for planning and logistics prior to the event. Volunteers are also needed the day of the event. Those interested are asked to contact:
Email: Phone: 360-378-2906. Website:
Attendee Registration will be opening in August, 2008.
Sponsors of the event include San Juan County Economic Development Council, San Juan Island Library, San Juan Islands Vistitors Bureau, San Juan County, Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce, Port of Friday Harbor, San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce, Town of Friday Harbor and Cascadia.